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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Helping Haiti

When I see people suffering and in absolute horror of losing their loved one's or just barely surviving, the last thing I feel I should be doing, is spending money on material things when it can go to people who really are in need. That being said, for every nail polish I purchased over the past week, I will donate ten dollars through the text message service to Haiti. How can I possibly be spending money on myself knowing that if I were in these peoples' situation I would want all the help I could get.

It's super easy to donate for these people who just faced a catastrophic event. This link here, will take you to a listing of phone numbers, and websites where you can make a donation.

The way I will be donating money is through the American Red Cross foundation's text message service;
By texting the word "HAITI" to 90999 an  amount of $10.00 will be automatically  added to your cellphone bill.

By following that link, and going to CNN.COM you can find many legitimate ways to donate to those in Haiti. Don't forget that community sites like Facebook have also created their own group efforts to make donations. God Bless!

On a side note, something interesting. If you own an Apple iPod Touch or iPhone, you can download the App called "5-0 Radio," which is an emergency police and fire radio scanner. After downloading, you can click on "Browse Scanner Feeds," and it will take you to the option of choosing a country. Click "Haiti," then after picking Countrywide, and Statewide, you can listen to relief efforts in effect right now happening live in Haiti. It really gives you the mindset of what's going on in this part of the world. I think the App sells for $1.99 and you can download it straight from iTunes.

"  Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated."

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